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Bu Sayfadaki Bilgiler 04/05/2007 tarihli ve 5651 sayılı
Bu Sayfadaki Bilgiler 04/05/2007 tarihli ve 5651 sayılı "İnternet Ortamında Yapılan Yayınların Düzenlenmesi ve Bu Yayınlar Yoluyla İşlenen Suçlarla Mücadele Edilmesi Hakkında Kanun" Uyarınca Gerekli Durumlarda İletişim Sağlanabilmesi İçin Eklenmiştir. Lütfen Gerekli Durumlarda Kullanınız... İbrahim uzun Esatpaşa mah 3.demiryollu no:28 menemen/izmir/Türkiye email
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 »  The whole world needs to understand

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The whole world needs to understand           (gösterim sayısı: 1.823)
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Kayıt Tarihi: 08.09.2010
İleti Sayısı: 226
Şehir: İzmir
Durum: Forumda Değil

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Konu Tarihi: 10.09.2010- 19:49
Alıntı yaparak cevapla  

The whole world needs to understand three basic facts are first now with interest rates returned economies vicious cycle into eventually will enter the ideal is not a system, this system only the rich benefit to their father wound is, but the tap to cut ilede this money babalarıda ends so perfect just the system does not. The second important point is about terrorism all the world is under control unless these organizations finance for illegal financial problems solved will it trim the economy for a big shortage will lead to Turkey's last 30 years, the PKK trouble for that expenditure, despite these problems is not done. Joined the PKK in case of future la Taliban to the whole world will surely hold a great economic depression. Ilegal Drugs and arms trafficking with the money provided will create huge traffic that a financial disaster itself
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 »  The whole world needs to understand

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