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Bu Sayfadaki Bilgiler 04/05/2007 tarihli ve 5651 sayılı
Bu Sayfadaki Bilgiler 04/05/2007 tarihli ve 5651 sayılı "İnternet Ortamında Yapılan Yayınların Düzenlenmesi ve Bu Yayınlar Yoluyla İşlenen Suçlarla Mücadele Edilmesi Hakkında Kanun" Uyarınca Gerekli Durumlarda İletişim Sağlanabilmesi İçin Eklenmiştir. Lütfen Gerekli Durumlarda Kullanınız... İbrahim uzun Esatpaşa mah 3.demiryollu no:28 menemen/izmir/Türkiye email
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 »  widows and orphans of the war in Iraq has created a s

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widows and orphans of the war in Iraq has created a s           (gösterim sayısı: 1.926)
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Kayıt Tarihi: 08.09.2010
İleti Sayısı: 226
Şehir: İzmir
Durum: Forumda Değil

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Konu Tarihi: 11.09.2010- 01:19
Alıntı yaparak cevapla  

Iraq war widows and orphans s producing a society constituted GROW major north in Iraq, the PKK controls also build a field helped. The old Turkish ATA that has a snake's head when he was crushed Unfortunately, states and other states, especially Iraq administration of this snake's head lamps centered snake crushing no. in the coming days northern Iraq in the taliban and pkk merger if that direction is going, then the whole world, and desensitization of the United States and the Iraq government how to do it so I'm wondering Turkey, especially the Erdogan government to help non-American his hands and feet tied when he realizes that soon will be. Turkish people as obama developed in the happy with his other states of the chairmen will be different from the thought and unfortunately these days much time has shown that obama yönetimide own birokrasi have penetrated was the dominant power of the impact of escape was not the dominant forces, although Democrats and Freedom
  Although, as noted pro out of self-interest and unfortunately it did not accept something as fact. Pascal and should consequently always united and lost both the world and loses a lot .....
Yeni Başlık  Cevap Yaz

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 »  widows and orphans of the war in Iraq has created a s

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